British Science Week 2025 takes place between 7th to 16th March and has the theme ‘Change and adapt’. Whether you are planning a science week, or science day, Explorify is here to help you.
Find out more about our new and updated Sound activities and how Explorify can help you plan a unit on Sound that builds children’s long-term memories.
How can Explorify’s new Inclusion Hub help you create a collaborative learning environment in science lessons and unleash the power of dialogue for all your pupils?
This October, between the 4th and the 10th, is Space Week! Explorify has lots to offer to help you harness children’s natural wonder and curiosity for this awe-inspiring topic.
Our What Just Happened? activities are guaranteed to capture your little ones’ curiosity and get them thinking about how things change. Read our top tips on how to get the most from this visually engaging activity.
The Great Science Share is a great way for pupils to engage in science, share their ideas, and work co-operatively with others. The theme for this year is Science Around Us, which is an exciting way for children to recognise and understand how science works in their everyday life. If you are yet to decide on your topic or if you are looking for an interesting activity to inspire children’s questions, Explorify can help.
We know that representation matters and often if children can’t see it, they can’t be it. Role models are vital if we want more children to consider STEM careers. Here at Explorify, we have created a new science topic called ‘Celebrating Scientists’ providing teachers with easy-to-use resources which relate the work of scientists to the primary science curriculum.
Trainee/Student Teachers, Early Career Teachers – you’ve come to the right place! Here’s the lowdown on how Explorify works and how it can supercharge your science lessons by supporting children’s scientific thinking and talking.
At Explorify we have a range of activities which will help recognise and celebrate the valuable contributions that Black people make in all STEM subjects.
Explorify’s Planning Support Sessions are not to be missed. In only 30 minutes, they will showcase engaging activities, share expert tips, and supercharge your science topic!
It’s National Numeracy Day on 18th May so here’s a handful of Explorify activities that will provide a context in which to exercise those maths skills.
This year’s Great Science Share for Schools is all about Climate Action. It falls on 14th June and we've got a great variety of activities to help you make the most of it!
If you are the Science Subject Leader at your school, you should expect a “deep dive” when Ofsted visit. As a core subject, the majority of schools are reporting that science is one of the subjects chosen by Inspectors to examine in detail. This is known as a “deep dive”.
Teaching during a pandemic means sometimes fielding tricky questions. This article should equip you to know enough about microorganisms and how they affect us and our bodies to be able to respond with confidence.
How can teachers address the gender split within science, encouraging young learners to see and understand science's relevance and benefits to society?
Bike To School Week runs from 28th September - 2nd October. It's a great opportunity to create learning experiences for your class around all things two-wheeled!
Children love learning outdoors and the positive effects on their mental and physical wellbeing have been well documented. This collection takes your children’s learning outdoors with a focus on living things.
This collection of activities about fossils and evolution is ideal to do at home with your little explorers. Enjoy a good afternoon of science each week!
This collection of activities about the Earth, seasons and time is ideal to do at home with your little explorers. Enjoy a good afternoon of science each week!
This collection of activities about the properties of materials is ideal to do at home with your little explorers. Enjoy a good afternoon of science each week!
Eight-year-old Dean is a white, working-class Londoner who doesn’t usually engage much during science lessons. As he tells his teacher, Ms Lessing, he’s going to be a footballer when he’s older, so he doesn’t think he needs to learn science…
The European Space Agency launched a Mars rover to look for signs of life on the red planet. We’ve got lots of activities to help you inspire your little scientists to be space explorers!
You’ve done a great job raising the profile of science in your classroom using Explorify, now let’s raise the profile of science
across the whole school!
BBC's Live Lesson on Winterwatch has stacks of links to Explorify activities. Use this handy list to extend the learning experience with your class, with an activity or two!
Carla Wallington looks back on her first year as a Science Lead and reflects on the steps she took to create a shared vision for science across the school.
Does a squirrel hibernate, or do they just stash food for the winter? Explore sleep and hibernation further with these activities that are sure to keep your class alert!
Or is here already - depending on whether you're using an astronomical or meteorological calendar! As the Christmas holidays beckon, here are some fun and festive activities to keep your little scientists engaged until the end of term bell rings!
Electricity will fascinate your pupils when you ask them to think about all the things it powers. Charge up your class's enthusiasm with these activities.
Different animals and plants thrive in different habitats. Let's take a look at how they live. Your pupils will learn about the world around them near and far and develop their scientific thinking as they explore the inhabitants.
Fire and light present many opportunities for a curious mind, so we've collated a series of activities to inspire your class to think like scientists when they see the fireworks displays this year.
Andrea Beaty is the author of a series of books about curious classmates; Architect Iggy, Scientist Ada and Engineer Rosie. Illustrated by the Scottish illustrator, David Roberts, the books tell the stories of hopelessly curious children who overcome hurdles to pursue their passions.
Ben is an Assistant Headteacher and Science Co-ordinator in his Primary School. We spoke to him about highlighting science across
the wider curriculum and across his local network of schools.
We interviewed Dominic Walliman, author of the Professor Astrocat books. Illustrated by Ben Newman, Walliman’s schoolfriend, the books take a fun-filled approach to scientific concepts. Walliman also runs the Youtube channel Domain of Science, where he explains STEM subjects in an engaging, accessible way.