Put science into sport!
We have dozens of exciting activities to make your science super sporty!

Child jumping
From pangolins to pole-vaulters, and nutrition to equipment – we have the science of sport covered from all angles! Pack your science lessons with zoom in, zoom out and odd one out image challenges, followed by curious videos and some longer question-based activities.
Browse our activities by age and themes below, then save some to your dashboard and get your pupils thinking like scientists! If you haven't signed up for an Explorify account yet, now's the time - it's completely free!
Something for everyone:
These activities can be adapted to suit outcomes across the ages. Take a look and find something to try!
- To flee or not to flee – observe these delightful animals busily heading from A to B. How many can your class identify? Which move on 2 legs and which on 4?
- Fuel up with these healthy snacks, nutrition is key to sporting performance and health, but which is the odd one out?
- Can your class work out what object is shown close-up in point of view?
Perfect for 5-7 years:
- Zoom in to this healthy skin. Will your class work out what this zesty goodness is?
- These children were born to dance. Watch as they develop coordination skills.
- How many different fish can your class spot in the swim? And are they all fish or another type of animal?
- How do different sports shoes compare in, gear up?
- What is this very muddy object? Can your pupils tell from a very close up view? Give it a try!
- What differences and similarities can you class observe between three sports balls? There's no such thing as just a ball!
- Put your class' observation skills to the test with three sports surfaces in playing places.
- Put your best foot forward with this investigation, what are the best shoes for running?
- This dog knows, but how will your class work out, what is the best surface to run on?
- Take the challenge to design a sports kit
Ideal for 7-11 years:
- What do these three animals have in common and how are they different – hanging out
- Challenge your class to think how fast can you jump a mile?
- Spark a conversation about the impact of inactivity with what if we couldn't exercise?
- Look at how these gymnasts can manipulate their bodies in fantastic gymnastics
- Spark a conversation by watching some synchronised swimmers in sync or swim
- See butterfly swimming in action.
- Round it off with front crawl swimming
- Think about an active start to your day with this big question, what if we didn't use transport to get to school?
Just right for 9-11 years:
- What are the little spikes on these garden blades?
- Plan an investigation to find out which sport makes you sweat the most?
- How many different fish can your class spot in the swim? (And are they all fish or another type of animal?)
- Spark a conversation through watching all these movements on a trampoline, in bounce and turn
- Pole position shows levers and jumping - explore high jump and pole vault now!
- What differences can your class observe between a shuttlecock, ice hockey puck and golf ball? Take a look at these big hitters
- Roll up, roll up! Can you class work out what it is by seeing part of this familiar object in a very close-up view?
- What is this material that looks all ground up?
We hope you have fun exploring science with sport!
Image Credit: Pete Pahham via Shutterstock