Let's go to space!
You don't need to go to space to explore the fascinating science about it. Try one of these activities today!

Space captures the imagination of many a child, and whether you're looking at planets, space travel, or life in space, we have something to get your little astronauts thinking scientifically about this cosmic subject!
Starting with a simple thought about a thirsty astronaut, your class can work like scientists to explore materials, the water cycle and mixtures - all through the filter of space and adventure.
What if an astronaut gets thirsty?
Challenge the class to think about how astronauts get drinking water in space.
Spark a conversation with this magnificent scene.
Look at three celestial objects that your children should be familiar with. What differences can they observe?
What would you investigate on the ISS?
Children think of an experiment they would do on the International Space Station.
Your class will consider the perils of space while designing their own space suits!
Put your class' observation skills to the test with these images of three different observatories from around the world.
In this activity, children decide how space should be owned by planning an investigation.
Start a conversation with these everyday objects that have been taken to the International Space Station!
Image Credit: NikiNomad via Shutterstock