Science in motion
From a paper plane to the gears of a bicycle, force is a fun topic to explore with your little scientists.

Try these activities to really get to grips with motion and friction when you cover the topic of forces! We start with the new BBC Teach Terrific Scientific investigation on motion. Take a look.
BBC Teach Terrific Science: Motion
In their investigation, BBC Teach look at Newton’s Laws of Motion by creating a marble run and using variables to demonstrate forces.
Launch your class into this fun paper plane activity!
Odd One Out - Shoot the breeze
Put your class' observation skills to the test with these three transport methods.
Problem Solvers - Build an egg parachute
Use everyday materials to make a parachute for an egg!
Spark a conversation with this video - can you guess what's going on?
Fans of two-wheeled transport will enjoy these activities on friction.
What's Going On? - Whirring wonders
Spark a conversation with this pedal-powered process.
Odd One Out - Wonderful wheels
Put your class' observation skills to the test with these three fun objects.
Zoom In, Zoom Out - Black bobbles
Tyres are all around us, but have you ever examined them closely? Cause a bit of friction with this activity!
What if brakes were automatic?
Challenge the class to think what would happen if brakes were automatic.
Happy Explorifying!