The science of sleep
Does a squirrel hibernate, or do they just stash food for the winter? Explore sleep and hibernation further with these activities that are sure to keep your class alert!

Put your class' observation skills to the test with these three animals that value their sleep! This activity is great for promoting observation and discussion skills.
Get your class thinking and talking with this fun question, what if humans hibernated? Having a broad question means you'll get a wide range of ideas coming from your pupils.
What's Going On? – Squirrelling away
Spark a conversation with these cheeky squirrels!
Problem-Solvers – House-hunting hogs
A creative construction task – can your class design a home for a hedgehog?
What's Going On? Very hungry caterpillars
And how about an egg that hibernates? Caterpillar pupae will hibernate over winter when it gets too cold. Watch this fascinating video of the hungry hatchlings emerging!
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