Discover your teacher superpower!
Explorify’s Planning Support Sessions are not to be missed. In only 30 minutes, they will showcase engaging activities, share expert tips, and supercharge your science topic!

What’s your next science topic? Evolution and Inheritance? Light? Animals, including humans in Key Stage One? Rocks? These are our upcoming Planning Support Sessions (in that order) so please make yourself a well-deserved cup of tea and join us at 4 p.m. on 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th May. Bring your colleagues and your questions too. Visit here to secure your slot.
Alternatively, you can watch a recording of our previous sessions here and they include, for Key Stage One, Living things and their habitats, Materials and Plants. Separate sessions tailored for Key Stage Two include Forces, Life cycles for plants and animals, Living things and their habitats, Materials/States of Matter and Sound.
So, you might ask, what’s all that about superpowers? You’re a teacher. You already have superpowers! Yet all teachers will appreciate being pointed towards a reliable selection of excellent teaching ideas and resources, especially as they’re free.
Apart from the new activities regularly arriving on Explorify, you may have noticed two other recent improvements that won’t, unfortunately, provide you with indestructibility like Captain America’s shield, but will nonetheless prove immensely helpful when planning for science.
The first improvement concerns children’s potential misconceptions. We now signpost what these might be in the notes for each new activity. The second big improvement is the Take It Further section, which now includes a much greater range of quality-checked classroom activities, films, and other resources.
Each Planning Support Session comes with its own set of guidance notes that breaks the topic into areas of learning, such as Shadows or Reflections for the topic Light. These areas are linked to the curriculum objectives for Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England. Suitable Explorify activities are suggested and – as if that weren’t enough! – locations of activities and resources, such as films and free information sheets beyond Explorify, are also provided.
Everything but the cape, in other words!