The wind of change
October brings seasonal change and a great opportunity to explore the science of seasons while seeing the change outside your classroom window.

Explore the seasons with these fun activities. Why not wrap up and take a look at the leaves to have an outdoor learning experience!
Watch this video of how a group of trees changes over the course of a year. What can your class observe to find clues as to what is happening?
How long does it take for a leaf to rot?
Plan a fun investigation with your class to get them thinking about how natural materials are broken down and recycled.
Harvest time brings plenty of apples for the store, but what differences can you class observe between these three varieties?
A staple of the garden! Spark a conversation with this video showing some wriggly worms.
This camouflaged chameleon looks at home in the autumn leaves. Can your class spot them and why do they think they look the way they do?