Health and Safety Support for Science in Primary Schools
Find out how you can ensure your children are working safely in science lessons.

We all want children to benefit from taking part in lots of practical science, and we know that it is vital that they do this safely. When planning practical activities for their lessons, teachers should be supported by guidance from their health and safety advisor. Whilst following this guidance, teachers should think carefully about their setting and the children they are teaching. Then, they can tailor the safety measures they need to take in a useful way.
So, who is the health and safety advisor for your school? There are three possibilities:
Schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Most schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland use CLEAPSS as their health and safety advisor. It may be that your school, academy trust or local authority is a member without you realising. Ask your school office or contact CLEAPSS directly to check.
The CLEAPSS Primary website has a search function and provides procedures for recommended science activities alongside safety considerations. It also offers guidance about straightforward ways to risk assess for your class. If you do not find what you need, there is a helpline and email contact. They will be happy to support you in keeping science safe.
CLEAPSS provides regular health and safety updates in their EXPLORE magazines. Sharing this is a simple way to keep health and safety on the agenda.
Schools in Scotland
All schools in Scotland use SSERC as their health and safety advisor. The website has an advisory service for members that provides specialist health and safety advice for schools, unlimited access to specialist advisors in primary science and free courses for curriculum leaders.
SSERC provides an email contact for any health and safety queries. Members have access to support for making risk assessments and there are regular bulletins providing up to date ideas and health and safety guidance.
If you are not a member of CLEAPSS or SSERC you should ask your Head teacher who your health and safety advisor is.