Take flight with bird activities!
With the RSPB's Big Schools' Birdwatch in full swing from January 5th to February 21st 2022, it's a perfect time to explore all things avian!

Build a week of activities for your class to learn and investigate birds from this super list below. From Odd One Outs, Zoom In, Zoom Outs and the longer investigations, there's a lot to explore. Why not round it off with a practical activity to build a bird feeder? The feathered friends near your school will appreciate this during winter!
Explore the habitat and function of a bird's favourite snack in this video!
What's Going On? Unexpected Eggs
Birds are not the only animals who emerge form an egg? How do these eggs differ from these soft reptilian eggs?
Odd One Out? How old is that chicken?
Could a chicken be related to a dinosaur?
Not all birds can fly, explore why a penguin is the way it is!
Watch this video and observe how different animals find water to drink.
Zoom In, Zoom Out - Strange stripes
Start with a very close up view of this familiar object and ask your pupils to explain what they think it is and why
Odd One Out - Terrific Tree Dwellers
All three animals live in the trees but who is the odd one out. There are many differences to observe so there is no right answer, but it's the reasons your pupils give that are important.
Odd One Out - Spot the difference
Three more animals of which one is a radiant peacock! Ask your class to say what the difference and similarities are, which one do they think is the odd one out.
An owl, a bat and a cat. Which two have something in common and which is the odd one out?
Odd One Out - Perfect pinchers
See how different animals use their beaks and how they are adapted to their habitat. It's another odd one out!
Problem Solvers - Bird feeders
Build a bird feeder in 15 minutes! What will your class come up with. Take it further with this brilliant video from friend to Explorify, Maddie Moate
In what ways is a duckling similar to a lamb or baby elephant?
Odd One Out - Looking after baby
How does a penguin treat it's young differently to other animals?
How are a duck's feet different to other feet of other animals?
What's going on - Takeaway dinner
This vulture has a very interesting way of getting food. What can your class observe from this video?
Check back soon for more birds videos! If you'd like to be the first to see our new activities, join our Facebook Staffroom Group to keep in the know!
Image credit: Northern harrier via Pixabay CC0