Activities to take you to the end of term!
Need some inspiration for a fun Explorify activity for your class before the end of term? Try some of these to keep your little scientists engaged!

Let's start with some video activities, which make perfect lesson starters. Find out what your class know in the discussion afterwards.
What's going on?
The big squeeze - A fun way to explore forces and discover how strong elastic bands can be!
SPF natural - Watch these animals find resourceful ways to protect themselves from the sun - without a bottle in sight!
The sound of silence - This fun video shows how quietly an owl flies - what will this help it to do?
Coming out to play - Watch a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis!
Dancing raisins - What makes them move in that bottle of water?
For more videos, filter by What's going on? and your class year group.
A favourite up and down the country are Zoom in, Zoom out activites. Can your class work out what these objects are, by starting with a very close up image?
Spectacular spheres - Found in many grasslands...
I spy - Whose little eye can work this one out?
Prints - Where do these intriguing markings appear?
Rocky landscapes - Will reasoning skills lead your class to discover what this is?
Feathery friend - A very familiar object that's sure to cause a buzz!
Black bobbles - Can describing the colours, textures and shapes lead them to identify this one?
Odd One Out activities develop observation and discussion skills. Try some of these image based activities.
Sleepy heads - Explore these three delightful animals who value their sleep!
It's a small world - Enter the worlds of miniature animals.
Scientist hall of fame - See what differences and similarities your class can observe betweeen these three scientists.
It takes more than guts - A tooth, a heart and intestines - which could be the Odd One Out?
Friends of flowers - Explore plants and diversity with these three pollinating creatures.
For longer activities that promote problem solving skills, explore What if and The Big Question activities like these ones:
What if humans didn't have thumbs?
What if the average life span of a human was 200?
What if your school banned paper?
Do you need big seeds to grow big plants?
We hope you enjoy these – there are hundreds more where they came from! If you're looking for something specific, filter by topic and year group – we hope you have fun right up until that last bell of term!
Picture credit Pixabay - cbakobus