Explorify at home: Properties of materials
This collection of activities about the properties of materials is ideal to do at home with your little explorers. Enjoy a good afternoon of science each week!

An egg experiment to watch
Explorify at home is a special series of science activities for parents and carers of primary school children who are now learning at home. We define activities by age and curriculum topics in Explorify, but these collections are also suitable to do all together as a family of mixed aged children. Or if your little scientist just wants to explore further, pick something from the other age sections for inspiration! Teachers can find out about our full (free!) classroom resource at the bottom of this page.
Parents, read on!
This collection is all about the properties of materials. Everything is made of stuff – scientists call that stuff material – and we can use it in different ways in our everyday lives.
BBC Bitesize Daily: You can use these activities along with watching the BBC Bitesize Daily programme on materials that is available from 22nd April 2020. Look for the link to watch the 20-minute programmes, with your activities for your child's age. Versions for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland can be found on the iPlayer.
For children aged 5-7
First, take a close-up look: It’s easy to take some of the things we use for granted but our first activity helps you look really closely and wonder what it might be. Give it a try is one of our 'Zoom In Zoom Out' activities. Look at the first picture for clues and wonder what it might be; any idea is fine if children can say why as there isn’t always just one right answer in science. Use the magnifying glass icon to zoom out and reveal more clues; talk about what you see.
Hands-on activity: Have a look at the footwear you have in your house together. What do you think are the best shoes for running? How might you test your ideas and decide?
Visit BBC to watch Bitesize Daily.
Age 7-9
First, take a close-up look: Here’s another 'Zoom in Zoom Out' idea here for everyone to puzzle over, Point of view. Look carefully for any clues and share your ideas together, wondering what it could be.
Hands-on activity: Why not challenge your children to make some footwear, such as flip-flops or slippers, from recyclable materials (paper, card, clean packaging materials, any fabric scraps or old clothing)?
Visit BBC to watch Bitesize Daily.
Age 9-11
First, take a close-up look: Our last 'Zoom In Zoom Out' activity for this collection is Black bobbles. Look carefully and be imaginative in your ideas of what it could be.
Watch this video together: We select materials based on their properties but what would happen if we changed the materials? How would they behave? Watch Brilliantly bouncy egg - you might even like to try it yourself. You don’t have to have distilled vinegar, (any will do), but be warned it will be very smelly! Think about where to put your experiment while the change takes place, but do not cover with a lid. Please wash your hands whenever you handle the eggs.
Visit BBC to watch Bitesize Daily.
That's all for this week!
We hope your little scientists have enjoyed exploring materials this week. We'd love to know how you got on. You can follow us on Twitter or Facebook or email us if you have any feedback on this collection.
Please note that adults should supervise practical activities, make sure that children use appropriate materials and tools, and wash hands after handling any food items.
Are you a primary school teacher who has yet to sign up to Explorify?
If you are a teacher who hasn't discovered Explorify before, you can sign up and explore the whole website with over 400 free activities. (It's free, as it's funded by charitable foundation Wellcome Trust. Our mission is to help you enhance your science teaching and get your pupils thinking like scientists!) We provide background science, to help you field questions from your pupils and ideas to take our curriculum-linked activities further. Something to get your teeth into for when you're back in the classroom!