Exercise your mind and body!
Let's focus in on activities around the human body and consider how exercise and environment affect it!

You're bound to find something fun in this list to animate your pupils and get them thinking like scientists. Why not take it further and get your class up and active after their Explorify time with some BBC Supermovers exercises?
Start by looking at these videos that will help your pupils to observe what the body is doing in some popular sports.
- Watch a runner using a prosthetic blade in Bladerunner and spark a conversation with your class.
- Explore different swimming techniques and movement in the water with backstroke swimming, butterfly swimming and synchronised swimming.
- Explore forces with a ball being kicked in slow motion in Fancy Footwork
Plan some investigations and ask your class some big questions, firstly on how we fuel our bodies:
- What if you only ate chips for a month?
Explore how we use our bodies to make journeys and keep fit:
- What if we didn't use transport to get to school
- How could you measure the benefits of walking?
And how fitness impacts the body into old age:
- How can we stay fit and healthy as we get older?
Consider challenges for the body if you were able to live in unexpected or challenging ways:
- What if humans lived underwater?
- What if the average lifespan of a human was 200 years?
- How would you stay warm in the artic?
- Design a spacesuit in Suits you.
Then finally challenge your class to observe differences and similarities with some popular Odd One Out Activities
Happy Explorifying!
Image credit: fancycrave1 on Pixabay