Explorify at home
Find out how Explorify can support with teaching science at home during school closures, periods of quarantine and home education.

This blog brings the latest support for teachers, parents, carers and children with their home science learning.
Explorify at home is a set of collections of activities that are based on the primary science curriculum, and which are easy for parents and carers to do with their learners at home.
You can explore all of our collections here via the links below. We will update the links with further topics as we publish them.
More resources
We've created some resources to help support teachers teaching pupils in the home setting. We hope you find the articles linked below useful.
Inheritance is a topic that many teachers feel a bit anxious teaching about. Read our guide and you might realise that you know a lot more than you thought you did! |
Teaching about evolution can seem daunting and we worry about handling children’s ideas about this concept. But we’d like to reassure you that you know a lot more perhaps than you realise. |
How best can you support your pupils' learning and development of key skills? And how can Explorify help? |
During this period of school closures and phased re-opening, there is a range of excellent CPD available online from our friends at the National STEM Learning Centre. |
Robbie Kirkman explores the role that learning science outdoors can play in physically-distanced learning. |
Sarah Eames from Sandfield Close Primary School shares her tips on how to do assessment well. |
What else can you do?
Be part of the Explorify community
- Teachers can join our Explorify Staffroom on Facebook for updates on new content, or to ask a question to the teaching community.
- You can also contact us at explorify@stem.org.uk with any requests or suggestions for Explorify at home.
Take it further
- Visit Primary Science Teaching Trust, to explore their Science Fun at Home which uses household resources to investigate science.
- Watch BBC Bitesize where you will find programmes featuring science related to one of our activity collections. Links to watch these are included in our collections above. Previous programmes including versions for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland can be found on BBC iPlayer.
The Explorify Team
Image credit: Valeria Ushakova via Pexels CC0.
Originally published in March 2020 and updated in September 2020 and January 2021 to reflect the reopening, and reclosure, of schools.