Continue your professional development with STEM Learning’s online courses
During this period of school closures and phased re-opening, there is a range of excellent CPD available online from our friends at the National STEM Learning Centre.

The courses are packed with practical ideas to inspire curiosity and support scientific enquiry. Becoming part of an online community is also a great opportunity to share ideas, challenges and find support from experts and teachers just like yourself.
Live remote courses for teachers
A programme of free STEM courses that can be accessed remotely covering subject knowledge, pedagogy, curriculum design and health and safety. Each course is led by an accredited facilitator and delivered across a series of short live sessions. In between sessions, there are structured tasks for teachers to explore key resources, develop materials to share with colleagues and reflect on their own learning.
Courses include:
Teaching: EYFS, KS1, LKS2, UKS2
Leading primary science
Primary science for NQTs
A range of teaching and leadership courses on computing
Each course has a variety of start dates across May, June and July, so make sure to book your place.
Online courses for teachers
The flexibility of these online courses allows teachers to learn wherever and whenever alongside their teaching. They include real classroom footage, opportunities to discuss lessons with colleagues from around the world and experience learning from leading experts in their respective fields.
Each course has a start date, but you can join any time during its running period. Check out the calendar for course availability.
Courses include:
Teaching Primary Science: Getting Started
Teaching for home learning: Primary science
Teaching Primary Science: Exploring Space
Teaching Primary Science: Human Spaceflight
The courses will cover core areas of primary science: planning for practical science, mapping enquiry types and skills and developing thinking and reasoning in your classes. Check them out here.
Remember: All of these courses are completely free and available to all. Simply head to the STEM Learning website and join a community of primary teachers wanting to make a difference in primary science.
Image Credit: Wellcome Trust