Start With Art competition winners - new Start With Art activities
The winning artworks from the Start With Art competition have now been turned into brand-new Start With Art activities.

An image of the winning artworks: a mural of sealife, and a polar bear sat on a melting ice sheet
In early 2024, we ran a competition to celebrate the launch of our new set of Start With Art activities.
We invited pupils to create their own artwork inspired by their science learning and write a short explanation. There were two age categories: ages 8 to 12, and age 7 and under.
We were so impressed by the creativity and science knowledge shown by the entries we received, and our judges certainly had a challenge choosing our winners.
The winner in the age 7 and under category created a mural, showing multiple different sea creatures and aquatic plants. They were inspired by watching Blue Planet during science week. Find out more, and try the activity ‘Ocean habitat’ with your class here:
The winner in the age 8 to 12 category created an image of a polar bear sat on an ice sheet. The artist used melted crayons to demonstrate the melting of the ice sheet, and illustrates science learned during the ‘states of matter’ topic. Find out more, and try the activity ‘What is changing?’ with your class here:
We were excited to exhibit the winning artworks, as well as the highly commended entries, at the York Festival of Ideas. You can read the blog to learn more, and see more of the brilliant competition entries here: