Protect your ears
Protect your ears
Get crafty and create some ear protection using a range of different materials.

Activity overview
Science topics:
Materials , Sound
You will need:
A mix of construction and muffling materials (card, cling film, tape, glue, elastic bands, cotton wool, foam, fabric).
Sometimes you have to solve a problem on the spot. Explain that today the class will need to make ear protection using just the materials provided.
Run the activity
1. Working in teams, look at the equipment and think about how you might approach this task. Are there any questions you’d like answered about materials that muffle sounds?
2. Planning: This Teachers TV clip could provide ideas which you could apply when designing your ear mufflers. Then spend a few minutes making a plan about what you need to do. You could record this to help you remember it.
3. Improving: Discuss your plan with another group. Feedback your ideas to each other, making sure you balance positive remarks and suggestions for improvement. What have you learned from swapping ideas? How can both group improve their plans?
4. Making and testing: Allow the children to make their sound mufflers and explore the final creations.
Top Tips:
How to run Problem Solvers activitiesBackground science
Loud noises can be damaging to your hearing, meaning that eventually you might not be able to hear as well. Sound is measured in decibels and sounds above 85 decibels are considered unsafe if someone is exposed to them for a long time and on a regular basis. A conversation comes in at around 60 decibels; an aeroplane taking off is around 130 decibels and a rocket launch will be over 180 decibels!
There are lots of jobs that require people to work around very loud noises all day but these are not the only people at risk. Attending lots of loud concerts or festivals could have a detrimental effect on your hearing. It’s recommended that people who are exposed to these sorts of sound wear some sort of ear protection. There’s a range of ear protection available from ear plugs to industrial ear muffs.
Take it further
You’ve discussed your creations, but why not encourage your class to think about how they could test which material is best at insulating sound in a safe way. This simple Science Sparks investigation has ideas about how children can carry out an investigation. The children could use a datalogger if they wanted to get accurate measurements.
This clip from BBC Teach video clip explores how to muffle loud sounds. Explore vibrations and sound waves with this musical What’s Going On activity.
Linked Explorify activities- our recommendations:
Explore how our ears work with Hidden depths and how hearing aids work with Speak up.
Image credit: Robin de Blanche via Shutterstock SL