What If...

There was no gravity?

What if there was no gravity?

Classroom view

Activity overview

15 mins
Ages 9 – 11

Science topics:


Get your class thinking and talking with this fun question! Having a broad question means you'll get a wide range of ideas coming from your pupils.

Run the activity

1. In pairs, discuss what might be a Plus, Minus and Interesting way to think about the question. Stuck for ideas? They could think about:

  • What do you already know about gravity? 
  • What would be easier/harder without gravity? 
  • How might the absence of gravity change life on Earth?

2. Ask the children to share their partner's ideas then encourage a broader discussion as a class, remember there is no wrong or right answer!

Background science

Gravity is a force that acts between objects. On Earth, gravity pulls objects (including people!) towards the Earth. As well as keeping us grounded, gravity is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around the Sun.

You might have seen astronauts on the Moon leaping much higher and further than they could on Earth –  this is because there is gravity on the Moon, but the force pulling them back to the ground is not as strong as it is on Earth.

The larger something is the stronger the gravitational pull, which is why the Earth has a stronger pull than the Moon.

Take it further

Children could find out more about gravity and how it works on the NASA website and STEM.org, as well BBC Bitesize. They could compare their weight on different planets with this activity. Be sensitive to children’s concerns about discussing their weight in front of other children.

Think about what you might be able to investigate on the ISS with this Big Question – how will gravity make your investigations easier or harder? Have a look at an astronaut moving around a Space Station to see what life might be like on Earth if there was no gravity.

Image credit: Nasa Non-Commercial